
‘Feb 16 – A day to remember…


Hard and long, did I wait, for you, your first cry. I waited, waited with a deep yearning, to see you smile and to hold you in my arms…

Tiresome hours, but never did I feel burdened, for I loved you, loved with fierce possessiveness… Day and night, I did wait. Some troubles I faced, and prayed, prayed for your safety and sound health. Allah saved, protected and kept you safe…

Days and days, of endless waiting and then you came, crying in a shrilly voice at 6.19 a.m. The first breath you took, my first ray of hope, my first smile… Oh, darling, I fell in love upon hearing your little voice…

You, my son, are a blessed treasure from God. Prayers and tears later, you came… Came like a breath of fresh air… Like a gentle drizzle of rain drops, you freshen my dry life, with that first cry.

O’, my lil angel, you are my new sunshine, in this dark life… My new rainbow, in this colorless life… I love you, for you are a part of me. Mine. You’re mine.

Feb 16, a day to remember, forever and ever, with happy tears and blissful smile, for you came… Came to this world that day…And made my wait worth it all…

Some blessings came later, but it will be worth the wait…

You, darling, you’re worth the wait… You’re worth every tear, pain and fretful hour. You’re worth EVERYTHING & ALL…


© Ada

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